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(All day) 台北國際藝術村 寶藏巖(台北市汀州路三段230巷14弄2號) 加入提醒

2017寶藏巖光節//2017 Treasure Hill Light Festival

You are the Sunshine of my Life-2017 Treasure Hill Light Festival

☆ 藝術家 Artists/
大畑彩 x 約瑟.梅諾弗 Sayaka OHATA x Joseph MAYRHOFER-OHATA、王春子 x 廖建忠 WANG Chuen-Tz x LIAO Chien-Chung、沈昭美 x 朱利安.夸涅 SIM Somi x Julien COIGNET、岩竹理惠 x 片岡純也 Rie IWATAKE x Junya KATAOKA、陳妍伊 x 黃逸民 CHEN Yen-Yi x HUANG Yi-Min、商雅琇 x 吳建興 SHANG Ya-Xiou x WU Chien-Hsing、黃翔 x 陳志建 HUANG Hsiang x CHEN Chih-Chien、葉采薇 x 凌瑋隆 YEH Tsai-Wei x LIN Wei-Lung、廖祈羽 x 張暉明 LIAO Chi-Yu x CHANG Huei-Ming、劉玗 x 吳思嶔 LIU Yu x WU Sih-Chin
★ 藝術總監 Art Director/吳達坤 WU Dar-Kuen
★ 策展人 Curator/李依樺 LEE I-Hua
★ 地點 Venue/寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill
★ 展期 Exhibition Dates/2017.3.25(Sat.)-5.14(Sun.)
● 更多資訊 More Info/

■ 系列活動:
【XOXO x 德國熊 Bear Beer Taiwan啤酒開幕派對】
【XOXO x Bear Beer Opening Events】
● 日期 Date/2017.3.25(Sat.) 
● 地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
● 時間 Time/15:00-21:00
▲ LIVE RADIO/楊雨樵 Somanana Rain
▲ DJ/秋波電台 Qiūbō Radio、愷莉奇異果 Kellykiwi、都普勒浪潮 Waves of Doppler
15:00-16:30 LIVE RADIO/楊雨樵 Somanana Rain
17:00-19:00 MUSIC/秋波電台 Qiūbō Radio
19:00-20:00 MUSIC/愷莉奇異果 Kellykiwi
20:00-21:00 MUSIC/都普勒浪潮 Waves of Doppler

【Shining Love Market】
● 日期 Dates/3.25(Sat.) 13:00-21:00;3.26(Sun.) 13:00-18:00
● 地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field、山城廣場 Hill Plaza
● 攤主 Vendors/在藝起-玩具劇場 Together Toy Theater、植物語彙金工概念工坊 Silver Plants Metal Arts workshop、17做作金工與飾品工作室 17 Work Studio、登小樓 Poetry Coffee、寶村柑仔店 Treasure Hill Community Grocery、手做食物車 Everywhere Food Truck、旁系遊牧快閃書攤 Alternative Pop-Up Book Kiosk、愛藝享 Let's Create、德國熊啤酒 Bear Beer、沛綠雅 Perrier、阿福號三明治專門店 Afuexpress、下次再說 ttyl、三貓俱樂部 Three Cats Club、雙月號 2MYR、MISS SURPRISE、小朋友年代 CHILDHOOD、待磨工作室 Demo Studio、十針十線 +Jen+Shian、Lilla Fé、Olympus

【與你愛的他她它牠 x 愛藝享 Let's Create
【All about Love x Let’s Create】
● 日期 Date/2017.3.25(Sat.) 13:00-21:00
● 地點 Venue/山城廣場 Hill Plaza
與你愛的他她它牠一同入村與光節任一作品合影,上傳個人臉書或IG,hashtag #愛你像光#2017寶藏巖光節#愛藝享,填寫光節專屬問卷,即可於寶村涼棚處愛藝享扭蛋機台免費轉蛋一次。
Take a picture with your loving ones, put it on Facebook or Instagram #愛你像光、#2017寶藏巖光節、#愛藝享 and you get a chance to play Cashapon once.

【相愛電影院 】
【Outdoor Cinema】
● 地點 Venue/家庭電影院 Home Movie Theatre(雨備場地閣樓寶藏巖青年會所/Attic Treasure Hill Traveler's Hostel)
● 電影時間/
4.8(Sat.) 18:30-21:05《危險的青春》 Dangerous Youth+映前座談:蘇致亨 
4.15(Sat.) 18:30-20:10《回來安平港》 Back to Anping Harbor
4.22(Sat.) 18:30-20:15《彩雲飛》 The Young Ones
4.29(Sat.) 18:30-20:50《秋蓮》 Lotus in Fall+映前座談:林文淇 

【Photography Open Call】
● 報名資訊 More Info/
● 徵件時間 Dates/2017.3.1(Wed.)-4.5(Wed.)

【Blind Date with Books】
● 日期 Dates/3.25(Sat.)-5.14(Sun.)
● 地點 Venue/閣樓寶藏巖青年會所/Attic Treasure Hill Traveler's Hostel
Put a book of yours in bag. Leave a note on it and you can take one book home with you.

■ 展覽理念 Curatorial Statement:
文 text/李依樺 Lee I-Hua







I woke up one morning and saw you sleeping, deep in an ocean. Your breath like waves hitting the shore. I painted you, portraying the spirit between your brows, tracing the edges of your eyes. I tried to shape the right curve of your brows, and waited for the vague blank to reveal as you turn. Together we dive in the depth and width of an ocean of creating. You haven’t woken up, you were floating in that ocean with me still. When your eyes opened with a glowing twinkle, with my love that never ceases, we became the soaking wet sun above sea level.

If we compare artwork with relationship, the chase and exploration in creating is like our never-ending seek and urge of love. The desire of creating and love both originated from human nature. In the ocean of arts clustered with questions about life, conversations of history, caring for our society and culture, experiences of emotion. These triggers are isolated expressions of artists, but they also desire to be seen, listened, received, and echoed by others. The waves of art come and go, artists continue to create and seek. Artwork becomes the foundation of a relationship, it also becomes the interacting platform between artists and the audience. When love is involved in this relationship, no matter it is a companionship, collaboration, or any form of connection, the intertwining will produce an organic cycle, like how the shadow is born with the light. In a relationship, artist’s perceptions have the possibility of being interpreted and reproduced, and art becomes more powerful out of love.

Coming from the concept of love and relationship, I invited ten pairs of lovers - who also are artists - to collaborate. Many decades ago, there were a group of people decided to build their homes at Treasure Hill, and they lived here with their loved ones. Treasure Hill was actually a living space, and now it is an ocean for artists to create. LIAO Chien-Chung and his wife WANG Chuen-Tz built two realistic telephone poles, one straight, one tilted. Two connected and pulled by cables, like dancers performing independently on stage, yet still influenced by each other. The light flickers, as the metaphor of the unpredictable future they are facing. LED lights glimmering between those historical facades, symbolizing the longingness of home of HUANG Hsiang and her husband CHEN Chih-Chien. Beams of light like the cycle of life, like artists’ never-ending seek for answer. While preparing for the project, CHEN Yen-Yi and HUANG Yi-Min welcomed a new member into their family. The birth of their child not only has changed their lifestyle, it has changed the subject of their work as well. They used to admire and argue with one and other, now they are having more dialogues due to the mediation of their child.

On the path of life, companionship is a valuable part of it. LIU Yu and WU Sih-Chin have been through many road trips together. They realized cinematic experience is the reality before one actually experiences the reality, so Liu and Wu decided to project the images they captured during road trips onto the real scenery of Fuhe Bridge. Between the real and the virtual, this little cinema is the integration of their work and lives. Once on a trip, YEH Tsai-Wei and LIN Wei-Lung were watching the waves crashing behind the stern. The vast ocean doesn’t seem to have an end, but they kept the energy and desire to explore because of the companionship. Wave is a collaborative video work that opens up conversations of YEH and LIN’s relationship. Another couple that have kept each other company is Julien COIGNET and SIM Somi. They strolled through parks in Taipei, when COIGNET was doing his residency in Taipei Artists Village in 2014. After returning to South Korea with Somi, they maintain the habit to take walks in parks. They shared observations of those they have seen in parks, and sort out mutual interpretations and imaginations. In these simulated parks they created, lights are lit up every evening. These twinkles are reminding people of companionship and love, witnessing the living and strolling day after day. Having been residing in various cities, Rie IWATAKE and Junya KATAOKA share feelings inspired by their nomadic lifestyle.

★ 指導單位 SUPERVISOR:文化部、臺北市政府
★ 主辦單位ORGANIZER:台北市文化局、台北市文化基金會Taipei Culture Foundation
★ 策劃執行 EXCUTIVE:台北國際藝術村-寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill
★ 攝影徵件指定贊助 APPOINTED PARTNER:Olympus TW
★ 贊助單位 SPONSOR:Perrier愛藝享 Let's Create爐鍋咖啡LuguoCafe德國熊 Bear Beer TaiwanOG 美味星棒棒糖
★ 協力單位 PARTNER:小日子美麗佳人 Marie Claire Taiwan上報瘋設計Esquire 君子雜誌La Vie 設計美學站ELLE Taiwan國家電影中心 Taiwan Film InstituteHAGAI 花開今藝術 ARTCO藝術家雜誌社The Big Issue Taiwan


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