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17:30 台中市霧峰區育德路 Yude Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City (主廚的家 Chef's House) 加入提醒

南非燒烤。第二章 South African Braai Part II

Food2gather又要在台中再次舉辦南非燒烤囉!燒烤,是南非一種非常普遍的社交聯誼活動,深受南非人的喜愛,材料以香腸為主 (Gerhard自製南非香腸,內有豬肉和牛肉,加入各種香料包括荳蔻、茴香、丁香、大蒜等,加以調味),可以說是跨越種族與社經地位的美食,也是一場可以完美詮釋Food2gather概念的美食饗宴。在Gerhard家頂樓生火,慢烤,一同聊天,堪稱人間美味。因此Food2gather很高興主廚 Gerhard 準備再次大展身手,為大家呈現道地南非燒烤給喜愛美食的大家 :) 讓大家一起一邊烤肉一邊聊天吧!


Nothing beats an outdoor BBQ to catch the tail end of summer. Food2gather is proud to host another South African Braai in Taichung once again. Braai, or barbecue in Afrikaans, is very common in South Africa's food gathering events. Chef Gerhard is making his signature SA sausages, using beef and pork, seasoned with various SA spices. It is an rare event for all the food lovers to try out a few authentic SA dishes, and have a wonderful time with everyone. Come join us, and enjoy our summer time Braai together. 



  • 前菜 Starter:火腿豌豆湯搭  Pea and Ham Soup 
    • 搭配自製麵包 with Homemade Bread and Butter
  • 主菜 Main Course:南非燒烤 South African BBQ
    • 南非香腸 South African Sausages (Boerewors)
      • 搭配南非稀飯跟茄汁洋蔥醬 with Pap and Sous (SA Porridge and Tomato Onion Sauce)
    • 雞肉串燒   Chicken Sosaties 
    • 咖哩豆沙拉 Curried Bean Salad
  • 甜點 Dessert:麵包布丁  Bread Pudding
  • 紅酒 Wine:一杯南非紅/白酒 South African Red/ White wine (歡迎自備酒水 Welcome to bring your own drinks)


  • 時間 Time: 2016/11/05 (六 Sat) 晚上17:30
  • 地點 Location: 主廚的家 Chef's House
    • 地址: 台中市霧峰區育德路 (會在活動當天通知活動地址)
    • Address: Yude Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City (will provide complete address after booking)
  •  費用 Price: NT$ 750/人 Person  (含一杯紅/白酒 including one glass of wine)


哈囉,我是Judy,是Food2gather 的共同創辦人,曾是Gerhard的學生,我眼中的Gerhard,是一個嚴肅且認真的老師。後來才知道,他的嚴肅是因為他在大學畢業後,被徵召入伍成為軍官,曾率領著一整個連在邊境參加南非與安哥拉的戰爭,三年後才以中尉身分退伍。退伍後一個人從南非沿路教英文,就這樣一年半後橫越了非洲... 自此,異鄉是故鄉。後來來到台灣,在外貿協會擔任商業英文教師超過十五年,他居住在台灣,生活在台灣已經二十年了,台灣儼然成為他第二個故鄉。Reon 也是外貿協會的英文教師,幾乎所有被Gerhard 和Reon 教導過的學生都曾去他們家中BBQ過。我想那是老師們歡迎我們,與他的家鄉南非連結的一個方式。因此當我得知Gerhard 和Reon願意讓Food2gather其他朋友去他們家參與道地的南非BBQ,我非常感動。

Hi! I am Judy, Food2gather’s co-founder and one of Gerhard’s students at ITI, and here is my view of Gerhard and Reon’s story.

In Gerhard’s classes, I have always seen Gerhard as a strict and disciplined teacher. I later learned that Gerhard was drafted into the army after he graduated from university in SA. He later became a military officer, who led a unit at the South African Border War against Angola, and retired as a lieutenant three years later. I guess this explains why he is so disciplined. After he retired from the army, he became an English teacher, teaching English along the way... and across the whole Africa. Gerhard left his hometown and came to Taiwan, now he is the Business English Instructor at International Trade Institute, TAITRA, in Taiwan for more than 15 years. Reon is also is a teacher in ITI, and became the English Coordinator for IBAP (Taichung Campus) in June, 2014.

Gerhard and Reon have been living in Taiwan for more than 20 years, and Taiwan has become their second home. Almost all the students Gerhard or Reon taught have been to their house for Braai one time or another. I believe the reasons why they host so many Braai events, are both to welcome and share SA tradition with us and also to stay connected to their native SA roots. I was very touched when I hear that they are willing to host authentic SA Braais for Food2gather. Just come over, and enjoy this Braai together :)




Food2gather 探尋和邀請所有樂於分享廚藝的人,為熱愛美食者們提供專屬於他們的用餐體驗。希望能讓那些手作、擁有故事性的愛好烹飪者帶給您不同的美味。



Food2gather is an online platform that brings aspiring cooks and adventurous foodies together. 

We provide a diversity of cooks, each with an unique story and background. The cooks relish their passion for cooking and showcase their culinary arts through exclusive and exotic dishes. 

Foodies in Taiwan can select from a wide variety of cuisines on our platform, satisfying their increasingly sophisticated food demands. 

Each event aims to provide one-of-a-kind dining experience, meeting other guests from various backgrounds and making new friends along the way. 

If you love to try different foods, come to Food2gather events to enjoy unforgettable dining experiences. Or if you are an aspiring cook, contact us to know more about setting up an event, we’d love to hear from you.
