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「孕婴爸爸」: 2020年亚洲台北同志育儿选择代孕会议


孕婴爸爸(MHB)是一个国际性的非营利组织。并已帮助全球数千位男同志完成爸爸的梦想。 2020 年10 月 2 、3 日,MHB 将会回到台北,偕同多个当地 LGBT 组织,为亚洲的准同志爸爸们举办有关育儿选择的精采研讨会。

除了给予育儿选择的建议,我们同时也会举办「倡议与研究论坛」,从社会、伦理、法律与经验等层面来谈代理孕母制度与 LGBT 育儿议题。

论坛将有超过20 个厂商与社群组织,提供美国育儿选择的资讯,并提供深入的议程,将有关美国现今人工生殖与第三方怀孕最新研究与大家分享,另外也触及此过程中涉及的保险、预算、法律、医疗和心理方面的专业协助。

此议程是根据过去 15 年来 MHB 在世界各地,包括纽约,芝加哥,旧金山,巴塞隆纳,布鲁塞尔和特拉维夫等所沿用的大会议程。赞助和参展费用的收益将专用于同志生育补助方案(GPAP)


时间日期:10 月 2 日上午 08:00 至下午 06:00;10 月 3 日上午 08:00 至下午 01:30


报名:准爸爸早鸟票每人 25 元美金(9 月 2 日开始票价为 30 元美金)现场票 35 元美金/1000 元台币,票券包含餐点与其他招待。


线上注册将于 10 月 1 日星期四前截止,若报名人数额满将提早结束。



10 月 2日(星期五):

  • 08:00 - 08:30AM: 入场登记
  • 08:30 - 09:30AM: 规划您的育儿之旅 - 主要针对法律、医疗和财务方面的考量因素
  • 09:30 - 10:00AM: Legal Panel
  • 10:00 - 10:45AM: 专家座谈:预算及保险方面(赞助机构:ART Risk)
  • 10:45 - 11:00AM: 提问时间:同志生育补助方案(GPAP)
  • 11:00 - 11:15AM: 茶歇
  • 11:15AM - 12:45PM: 专家座谈:代孕的医疗方面(赞助机构:Pacific Fertility Center of Los Angeles)
  • 12:45 - 01:30PM: 午餐(赞助机构:San Diego Fertility Center)暨同志育儿博览会(第三方机构,诊所,律师和同志组织名单)
  • 01:30 - 02:00PM: 挑选第三方机构,预算和财务援助(GPAP)
  • 02:00 - 03:00PM: 个人故事 - 听取几个代理孕母和父母的经验分享(赞助机构:HRC Fertility)
  • 03:00 - 03:30PM: 茶歇(赞助机构:Center for Surrogacy Parenting)
  • 03:30 - 06:00PM: 倡议与研究论坛「台湾同志育儿经验:社会污名影响与因应」
  • 06:00PM: 相互交流(赞助机构: HRC Fertility)


10 月 3 日(星期六):

  • 08:00 - 8:45AM: 入场登记
  • 08:45 - 09:00AM: 议前安排与准备入席
  • 09:00 - 11:00AM: 分组会议-了解有关参与代理孕母的更多资讯
  • 09:25AM - 01:30PM: 同志育儿博览会(第三方机构,诊所,律师和同志组织名单)
  • 11:00 - 11:30AM: 茶歇(赞助机构: Center for Surrogacy Parenting)
  • 11:30AM - 01:30PM: 与专家视讯互动咨询


聯絡人Men Having Babies


Men Having Babies, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that was spun off in July 2012 from a program that ran at the NYC LGBT Center since 2005. It started as a peer support network for biological gay fathers and fathers-to-be, offering monthly workshops and an annual seminar. Over time, elaborate online resources were developed, the group’s mailing list expanded to about 2000 couples and singles from around the world, and it teamed up with LGBT family associations to develop similar programs in Chicago, San Francisco, LA, Barcelona, Tel Aviv and Brussels.

Our mission includes:

  • The provision of educational and practical information to assist gay prospective parents achieve biological parenting.
  • Promoting the affordability of surrogacy related services for gay men through financial assistance and the encouragement of transparency and customer feedback.
  • Promoting surrogacy practices that minimize the risks and maximize the potential short and long-term benefits to all involved.
  • Raising awareness about the potential benefits and meaningful relationships surrogacy arrangements can bring about.

Beyond the seminars and workshops, Men Having Babies runs several programs to promote its educational, advocacy and affordability mission, including:
