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15:30 Café Dalida 加入提醒


House and Ballroom culture has been influencing mainstream pop culture since early 80s. With reference from celebrities such as Madonna,Teyana Taylor and even RuPaul's has paid homage to this culture.

1990s documentary "Paris is Burning" was the first glimpse in this community. While the culture has been mainly within the LGBTQ of communities of color, it has recently regained mainstream acknowledgment as the focal point of "POSE" on FX and on Viceland channel "My House."

Stan Milan, the father in Legendary House of Milan. He is the Icon of New Way Vogue category in NYC. He has been tour with Willi Ninja. Nowadays, he travel in State, Europe, Russia....and Taiwan!!

Ask any question about the scene in forum. We will pick some amazing question to give everyone a small glimpse into the scene.

**Warm up category, Hand Performance**

   Bring your favorite glove and show us your story telling capability. Winner get 3 free drinks. Sponsor by Alvin the owner of Café Dalida. (Anyone walking must order drink(s) in store.)


20:00 Hand Performance

20:40 Lecture, Q&A

21:30 Goodbye


? ? ? ✊   中文版  ✌️  ? ? ? ?


House and Ballroom文化從八零年代就開始對大眾流行文化有許多影響,像是瑪丹娜、堤亞娜·泰勒,甚至是RuPaul's也曾向這個文化致敬。



今天,史丹米蘭來到台灣的文化講座贊助者為Café Dalida,請將您關於House and Ballroom文化的疑問留言至討論區。我們將選出幾個很棒的題目,作為演講內容的主題。


帶任一種手套,顏色樣式不限,但要在比賽前至Café Dalida消費才可擁有參加資格。贏家由Café Dalida免費提供三杯特調。


20:00 手手說故事

20:40 文化講座與問答


聯絡電話02 2370 7833


位於亞洲獨一無二的gay village紅樓廣場內,最受國際人士歡迎的戶外同志酒吧,熱帶庭園設計,多種創意新鮮水果口味Mojito,假日並有DJ音樂演出。
The best cocktails in Red House Square(the gay village of Taipei)
The most popular out door gay bar with DJ music.
Café Dalida: 台北市萬華區成都路10巷51、53號@西門紅樓南廣場
訂位.Reservations:+886 23707833
No.51, 53, Ln. 10, Chengdu Rd., Wanhua Dist.
