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宿主計畫 x 台南彩虹遊行|Humans As Hosts: 001-010 x Tainan Rainbow Parade

宿主計畫 x 台南彩虹遊行//
Humans As Hosts: 001-010 x Tainan Rainbow Parade

● 展期 Exhibition Period|2018.03.10(Sat.)~2018.03.25(Sun.) 12:00~20:00
● 藝術家 Artist|劉仁凱 Kairon Liu 
● 地點 Venue|艸祭 Book inn(台南中西區南門路71號)
● 主辦單位 ORGANIZER|台南彩虹遊行 Tainan Rainbow Parade
● 指定住宿 APPOINTED PARTNER|艸祭 Book inn

■ 系列座談/【我是如何成為一個統計數字】

● 日期 Date|2018.3.17(Sat.) 
● 地點 Venue|艸祭 Book inn(台南中西區南門路71號)
● 時間 Time|14:30
●​ 主持人 Moderator|劉仁凱 Kairon Liu
●​ 與談人 Speakers|霖霖 Lynn
● 與談人自述|
● 報名連結|近日釋出

今日,既使藥物治療已能給予HIV感染者擁有與常人等長的壽命並杜絕傳染,卻始終無法於人體徹底清除病毒,亦如譴責者對疾病延伸的軍事隱喻與區隔從未褪去,感染者們的心理健康問題也將總是伴隨,甚至超出生理疾病本身所帶來的不適,而在人類的萬能藥(True Cure)現世以前,疾病擁有者所持的羞愧與不安全感將持續存在,直至誤解及新興疾病衍伸的污名不再顯現。

台南彩虹遊行邀請攝影藝術家劉仁凱攜手合作,於艸祭 Book inn B1 展區呈現〈Humans As Hosts〉攝影研究計畫執行迄今的創作檔案及感染者生命故事。該計畫始於二〇一七年九月,執行期間聯合網路社群、非政府組織及國家衛生機關,尋找志願參與的愛滋感染者協同創作。計劃發起人劉仁凱,在該計畫中將自身轉化為催化者,與愛滋感染者們進行深入訪談、共同造字造像,製作系列性攝影影像及文字檔案。這些作品及研究成果,將在展覽時並肩呈現,成為足以反映計畫參與者行為、居住場域、經濟條件的詮釋,並被視為社會集體價值塑造而出的刻板或歧視印象之舉證/反證,促使觀者進階理解疾病隱喻之存在。而此計畫作品的呈現也將成為以下事實的陳述:無論是存在於何種場域的人(Human Beings),事實上皆有受到病毒感染的可能,我們都僅僅只是人類,此刻正面臨著一種年輕的威脅。

Today, medical treatments have helped people infected with HIV live as long as normal people as well as prevent infection, but can never kill the virus hiding in the gut. The military metaphor in medicine and separation from people who condemn AIDS can never fade. It is often accompanied by mental illness, which even generates greater suffering than the physiological disease itself. Before the “True Cure” is found, patients’ feelings of shame and insecurity will last until no longer will new diseases be misunderstood and stigmatized.

Tainan Rainbow Parade invites photography artist Kairon Liu, to present the exhibition of “Humans As Hosts:001- 010” at “艸祭 Book inn”. The project “Humans As Hosts” started in September 2017. Together with the social network, NGOs, and Health Authorities, we recruit HIV-positive individuals to volunteer as participants during the project period. In the process of producing, Kairon Liu, the artist will take an activator role to conduct in-depth interviews with the individuals, create fictional images and text documents together. The statistical result and images will be presented alongside at the exhibition which artist aims to turn them into archives that reflect the behavior, living environment and financial conditions of the individuals. These archives could be seen as the proof/disproof with the stereotypical prejudice and discrimination shaped by collective social value in human society. Delivering the awareness of AIDS and its metaphors to the exhibition viewers. The exhibition is a rendition of the facts that human beings, no matter what field they are in, are actually subject to or exposed to the virus. We are merely human beings and now we are facing an emerging threat.




台南彩虹遊行聯盟由台南在地關注性別議題的眾團體所組成,包含學生社團、民間團體及 NGO ,不僅是橫向交流的平台,也一同監督在地性平政策、推動相關議題發展。
