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21:30 W Taipei 加入提醒

TWISTED LAB:「Music on the Spot 猜歌爭霸」

你也是音樂狂粉嗎?W Taipei 要用經典潮流播放清單與你一同享「樂」狂歡!
每個月的第三個星期三晚上9:30到11:00,來WOOBAR一起聽音樂「猜歌」爭霸!音樂總監Chun Chun每月挑選一組音樂創作者為主題,並由現場DJ熱音放送,只要猜對當月主題創作者的經典曲目,就能獲得免費SHOT~ 跟上我們的音樂脈動、激活你的所有感官,邀請朋友們,沉浸在經典樂曲與微醺中!

It's a HIT and take a guess! Visit WOOBAR every third Wednesday of the month from 9:30PM – 11PM and our Music Curator, Chun Chun will be broadcasting a designated artists' song every 10 minutes. Are you ready to PLAY?

入場費 Entrance:免費 FREE entry!!!
搶先卡位 Book a table:02-7703-8887

4/21主題演出者: 法國傳奇電音團體 Artist of the night: Daft Punk
5/19 主題演出者: 英格蘭電子音樂雙人組 Artist of the night: Disclosure
6/16 主題演出者: 英國獨立電音製作人 Artist of the night: Fatboy Slim

* 現場追蹤W Taipei Spotify官方帳號,即贈送1杯調酒shot
Follow W Taipei’s Spotify to enjoy free shot from W.
* 喝不夠嗎?只要猜出現場每10分鐘播放的主題歌曲曲名,就再送你1杯調酒shot
* Not tipsy enough? Tell us the name of the song that’s currently playing and we give you an extra shot.

* 請掃描入口處看板QR Code 或於Spotify中搜尋 W Taipei,即可追蹤W Taipei Spotify帳號。
Scan QR code or search W Taipei to follow us on Spotify.
* 請出示您的追蹤帳號,由現場WOOBAR人員登記帳號並確認兌換資格,一帳號可贈一杯。
Please present your phone with account ID of your Spotify account to WOOBAR talent to verify the qualifications, and get one shot for each account.
* 猜歌請於每10分鐘主題歌單播放時,告知現場WOOBAR人員,答對者方可獲得兌換資格。
Please share your answer (name of the song) to any WOOBAR talent during event period for verification.
* 限18歲以上始能入場參加。
Event opens to 18 years-old and above.
* W Taipei保留調整活動的權利。W Taipei reserves the right to adjust the rules.
* W Taipei保留活動釋義權利,若有任何更動,皆以活動頁面公告為準。
W Taipei reserves the right at any time to modify or temporarily/permanently discontinue the campaign with or without notice.




