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國際愛跳舞即興節 2019 i•dance Taipei

i•dance Taipei 國際愛跳舞即興節(簡稱idt) 2011年首度由古舞團於台灣舉行,乃以舞蹈為主軸的國際即興盛會,計畫每兩年舉辦一次。 與香港、韓國、日本等地的i•dance共同譜出即興舞蹈的樂章。

*i•dance是「我(i)」跳舞,也是「愛(ㄞ丶)」跳舞~ 將開鑿出每個人內在深處的舞動基因。

*i•dance是「即興(improvisation)」舞蹈~ 一種需要極度專注、又全然開放的練習,是自由表達與尊重聆聽並存的實踐。

*i•dance是「獨立(independent)又相互連結(interconnected)的」~ 即興舞蹈容易親近的特質,給予不同背景與年齡層的人,一扇通往舞蹈的窗口。 不管是演出者或觀者,學員或老師,終身實踐者或好奇的過客,每個人都可以注入自己的獨特性,藉由即興舞蹈的串連,匯聚為一個開放的社群,彼此交流、互相支持。

*i•dance是「國際性(international)的」~ 在台灣舉辦國際性的即興舞蹈節,不但能夠連結全球同好,使得台灣在即興舞蹈上更與國際接軌,也能將台灣這塊土地上孕育的人文素養和核心價值介紹給每一位來訪的參與者,深化各種文化、族群之間的理解、接納與認同。


聯絡電話02 2892 3600


Founded in 1993, Ku & Dancers is the only professional dance company devoting itself to the development and exploration of improvisation works in Taiwan.

Ku & Dancers was founded in Taiwan in 1993 by dancer, choreographer, teacher Ming-Shen Ku. The company had its debut performance the same year in the National Theater in Taipei. Ku & Dancers is best known as the only professional dance company devoted to the development and exploration of improvisational performance in Taiwan. The practice of improvisation and contact improvisation forms the company’s basic training. Many internationally renowned improvisers have been invited to participate in the performances and the workshops hosted by the company, including Steve Paxton, Chris Aiken, Kirstie Simson, etc.
The company is also known for its collaboration with artists of various disciplines, such as interactive video programmer/ designer Hsin-Chien Huang, computer animation director Yau Chen, UK-based video artist Thomas Gray, Belgian composer/musician Pieter Thys, Fashion designer Yen-Lin Hsu, etc. Besides regularly performing in Taiwan, Ku & Dancers tours extensively throughout Asia, Europe, USA and Australia.
In 2010, Decode 2010, a 70-minute-long improvisation performance that has no structure except for two “conditions” received fervent response from the audience and was seen as a landmark piece in the nearly 2 decades of the company’s development. Following that year, the company organized the first international improvisation dance festival in Taiwan, i·dance Taipei 2011, a nine days’ festival consisting thirteen events featuring more than thirty artists of eleven nationalities. The company’s latest production, Voltar, staged in a hundred year old house in Daxi, Taoyuan, is a combination of dance, puppetry, 3D projection and live music, marking the twentieth anniversary of Ku & Dancers.
