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日期 時間 活動地點
15:30 台北市大佳河濱公園 (十號水門段) 加入提醒

Heineken Presents Armin Only Embrace Taipei


Armin Only Embrace是以阿曼凡布倫(Armin van Buuren)最新專輯《Embrace》為概念,由荷蘭製作團隊精心打造的全新個人巡演。全球百大DJ排行榜五度奪冠、連續12年維持百大前三名的Armin,將帶給樂迷們截然不同的全新視聽饗宴!

從阿姆斯特丹到台北,Armin Only Embrace將融合絢爛的視覺特效、舞者優美的肢體表演、知名歌手及樂手的Live演出,再搭配Armin天王級的電音轟炸,近五小時不間斷強力放送,勢必為觀眾帶來一場超強感官震撼的電音大秀。

睽違兩年,Armin Only個人巡演再次強勢降臨!想要一睹曼神風采的派對動物們,11月26日,曼神的熱力,將毫無保留融化台北的夜空。

8月12日上午11時 全台ibon開始售票!

主辦單位:Super Chill Events
聯繫方式:[email protected]

1. 日期:2016/11/26 
2. 開放入場:15:30
3. Club Embrace: 15:30~17:30
4. Main Show:17:30~22:00 
5. 地點:台北市大佳河濱公園 (十號水門段)

1. 一般票GA早鳥:$2,600
2. 一般票GA預售:$3,200
3. 一般票GA現場:$3,800
4. VIP早鳥:$3,400
5. VIP預售:$4,000
6. VIP現場:$4,800
7. VVIP包廂訂位資訊請洽:[email protected] 
8. GA現場票及VIP現場票部分:將於演出前十天公布是否販售


1. 一般票GA早鳥、一般票GA預售、一般票GA現場:
■憑票可入場Heineken Presents Armin Only Embrace Taipei
2. VIP早鳥、VIP預售、VIP現場:
■憑票可入場Heineken Presents Armin Only Embrace Taipei


1. 活動前十日停止接受退換票,逾期恕不退換;退換票需酌收10%退票處理費,退換票請洽原購票單位。
2. 本活動18歲以下禁止入場;請攜帶附照片身分證件以備查驗。 
3. 一人一票憑票於入口兌換入場手環,入場後一律以手環辨識;如需中途離場,手環將折損並不得再次入場。 
4. 活動票券視為有價證券,請妥善保管。如發生損失、破壞、燒毀或無法辨識等狀況,恕不補發或退換票券。 
5. 為維護活動品質,本活動有人數上限,所有票券均為限量販售,請儘早購票以免向隅。 
6. 下午15:30開放入場,活動約5小時。 
7. 請穿著整齊服裝,禁止穿著拖鞋、涼鞋入場。 
8. 本活動將嚴格管制民眾攜帶入場之物品,任何已開封香菸、菸盒、飲品均不得帶入場內。民眾入場時將有保全及工作人員做檢查包包及搜身動作。
9. 本活動嚴禁使用哨子等發聲用具。 
10. 禁止攜帶外食、飲料、雷射筆、錄影錄音器材等入場。 
11. 禁止攜帶煙火、槍械、刀械、棍棒或玻璃瓶類等危險物品進入。 
12. 本活動嚴禁攜帶、吸食或販賣非法物品、管制藥品及危險物品,經查獲將送警法辦。
13. 本活動保留驅離酗酒與神智不清者之權利,被驅離民眾不得向主辦單位要求退票。
14. 主辦單位將為本活動攝影紀錄。 
15. 請於購票前確認購票細節,並呼籲不要購買來路不明的票券,以免自身權益受損,主辦單位保留認定票券合法性之權利。 
16. 主辦單位保有活動內容變更之權利。 


◆Event Introduction
Armin Only Embrace is a solo set by Armin van Buuren with live performances of internationally acclaimed artists as Mr. Probz, Kensington, Eric Vloeimans, Cimo Fränkel, Betsie Larkin, Angel Taylor and BullySongs. During the year more destinations will be announced. 

The Armin Only Embrace world tour is closely related to Armin van Buuren’s latest artist album, ‘Embrace’, in which the five-time #1 DJ of the world embraces different styles, genres, and sounds through collaborations with a wide range of internationally acclaimed artists. The majority of these artists, including Mr. Probz, Kensington, Eric Vloeimans, Cimo Fränkel, Betsie Larkin, Angel Taylor and BullySongs will accompany the world-renowned DJ and producer on tour. 

◆Event Info
Time: 2016/11/26
Doors open: 15:30
Club Embrace: 15:30 - 17:30
Main show: 17:30 - 22:00
Venue: DaJia Riverside Park, Taipei
Hosted by: Super Chill Events

1. Event time: 2016 November 26th 15:30-22:00.
15:30 Doors open, 22:00 Show ends.
2. According to government regulations, attendees under 18 or without an ID are not allowed. Please bring a valid identification (National ID Card, Driver’s license, Passport) for checkup.
3. Outside food or drinks are strictly prohibited.
4. We will confiscate opened cigarette packs at door.
5. No ticket exchange or refund if lost, burned, or unable to read.
6. Wristbands will be given by the staff at the entering area. No re-entering or in and out are allowed after entering.
7. Please dress properly. No sandal or flip-flops are allowed.
8. No lockers are provided. Please take care of your personal belongings.
9. Any usage, transferring or possession of drugs will be reported immediately.
10. Weapons of any form are strictly prohibited.
11. Whistles or any sounding tools are strictly prohibited.
12. Drinks and hot food will be provided.
13. Coupons only for all transactions.
14. Attendees with VVIP wristbands are allowed to enter the VVIP, VIP and GA area; attendees with VIP wristbands are allowed to go in the VIP and GA area.
15. We will produce an official after movie for the show.
16. We reserve the right to not provide our service to anyone who is out of control.




Super Chill為超級圓頂(Super Dome)的系列品牌,未來將與全球知名製作公司合作,引進更多高品質的EDM活動,並致力於讓台灣音樂活動和世界潮流接軌。

Super Chill的中心思想,就是希望帶給台灣樂迷一場又一場舒服、愉悅、輕鬆、自在的活動,這也就是chill的原意「涼爽」所引申出來之涵義。


