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Wantigga Asia Tour 2016 in Taipei

U Dance Society x Triangle Pres:
Wantigga Asia Tour 2016 in Taipei at Triangle

繼包括FKJ、Kartell、Zimmer、Debaull、Cherokee等多位Roche Musique巨星陸續造訪台灣之後,今年秋天我們再度找來役屬Roche大家庭的荷蘭新銳Future Bass、French House、Nu Dance創作鬼才Wantigga首次抵達台北進行在台灣的第二場正式演出!融合Funk、Soul、Hip Hop、House、Future Beats等多元音樂元素的Wantigga勢必讓您再次顛覆您對電子音樂以及嘻哈音樂的既有印象,更多極具未來舞動風味的獨家Remix壓箱寶錯過絕對大呼可惜呀!

當晚除了Wantigga精彩演出之外,更有保括Triangle當家DJ DJ CROSS CUTZ與UDS 固定班底BunjiBeat、AoWu以及Disk0kidz在現場坐鎮,帶來最動感的蹦跳電聲!

About Wantigga (Roche Musique | NL)

生於荷蘭的Wantigga自小就受到了福音、靈魂與爵士樂的熏陶,加上與生俱來的音樂天份,便在家開始自學各種不同的樂器。之後Wantigga對嘻哈與電子音樂產生了莫大的興趣,因而開啟了他的創作之路,J Dilla則成為了Wantigga心目中最佳且影響最深的啓蒙導師。Wantigga擅長將靈魂樂融入UK House, hip-hop與bass music之中,也能夠把經典的R&B歌曲翻轉(flip)為充滿他個人風味的版本,Soulection與HW&W等知名大廠都特別喜愛收錄Wantigga的音樂呢!

身為荷蘭新銳音樂品牌KLEAR成員之一,Wantigga近期受到了法國Roche Musique老闆Cezaire的青睞而開始與Darius、Kartell與Zimmer等人一同演出。今年二月Wantigga將他的首張EP “Pillow Talk” 獻給Roche Musique發行。

Residing in the Netherlands, DJ and Producer Jonathan Tan AKA Wantigga, has been 
making beats in his hometown Deventer since he was a boy. Growing up in a churchgoing household, he was raised with a lot of gospel, soul and jazz music. As an autodidact musician, he taught himself to play several instruments, but his interest turned quickly to electronic music and hip-hop. With Dilla as his big example, he combines Hip-hop, Bass and UK House with a thick layer of Soul on top. He made a name for himself with his flips of RnB classic, which got picked up by labels such as HW&W and Soulection. 

As part of the KLEAR family in Amsterdam, Wantigga became acquainted with the Parisian Label Roche Musique on several occasions when he played together with Darius, Kartell, Zimmer and Roche Musique label-owner Cézaire. This became a new musical love affair, which resulted in Wantigga's first ever EP Pillow Talk released on Roche Musique in February 2016.


聯絡電話0970 397 200


由工業風格建構的酒吧舞池,混搭歐美電子音樂潮流,融合出無限的概念延伸。 位處於台北圓山花博的 MAJI Square 裡,Triangle 有著獨特調性與迷幻異國氛圍,黑色三角形的鐵皮架構,搭配潮流的電⾳⾵氣,發展歐美國際城市般的夜間娛樂文化。
