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22:00 Triangle Taipei 加入提醒

Woodstock - 60's live bands!

Be ready for the best LIVE MUSIC event of the end of this year !

For the first time in Taipei, Triangle recreated the mythical atmosphere of the 60s with the infamous WOODSTOCK. 

And what better date to celebrate PEACE & LOVE than 11/11, end of WWI !

台北首見!Triangle 將再現60年代神話,令人聞之色變的Woodstock 伍茲塔克音樂節。

To open the night: 

As the only The Beatles tribute band in Taiwan, The BeeToast proudly shows you the greatest songs of the legendary band since 2014. It is our honor and destiny to share the music and love from The Beatles to Taiwan. From lyrics to music, from instruments to playing, we try our best to let you feel the energy from the Fab Four. Come together and enjoy the music of the greatest band ever.... so let me introduce to you, the one and only The BeeToast!
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我們是一群熱愛Beatles 披頭四的樂迷,一起組成了台灣唯一向披頭四致敬的樂團 --BeeToast 「蜜蜂吐司」。我們是一個從服裝、樂器到唱腔,堅持原汁原味,呈現披頭四歌曲的樂團! 在上百首披頭四的歌曲中,我們挑選了最經典中的經典,從60年代到現在仍然風靡全球的披頭四金曲,讓遠在台灣的披頭四樂迷們,都能感受到最震撼最令人感動的傳世鉅作。披頭四不可能重組,但Beetoast 「蜜蜂吐司」會給您最原始的感動。

2nd BAND:
What would be a WOODSTOCK Party without a JIMI HENDRIX or a SANTANA ? Well, you’ll have Both!
BOOGIE FINGERS used to be Kenyatta Funksters. When Kenyatta left for New Orleans, their old friend drummer teamed up and play with us again.
Since Kenyatta left they decided to change the name to BOOGIE FINGERS.
Raymond Anthony. 江湖上人稱「左手吉神」與Jimi Hendrix 相同將右手吉他直接反轉用左手彈奏,重現傳奇音調指法旋律。聽到的人無不如醍醐灌頂,張口咋舌。Ray 生長於英格蘭,年輕時於Jimi Hendrix 相遇後便決定以音樂為人生志向,所參與的樂團不計其數,足跡踏遍三洋五洲,擅長為Rock,funk,disco,Reggae...etc. 如果你有這挑剔的耳朵甚至是聽團玩團的高手,Ray的神乎其技會震撼你的夜晚。
三牛周公德,台灣傳奇樂團海豚Bass手,Bass 手法爐火純青,節奏感活潑沈穩,顆粒衝擊感十足,指法深厚,Solo精彩。
KB/Saxphone: Howard:擅長Funk/Rock/Jazz 等曲風,風格變化莫測,音色酸中帶利,特別擅長用organ 營造復古氛圍,帶動樂曲風格。
Boogie fingers:由Raymond Anthony 領軍,是台灣少見的Funk 團,風格狠辣愉悅,深厚的樂手功力堆砌出精彩且愉快的樂風。從Pop Rock 到 blues, Jimi Hendrix 到Bob Marley, 深厚的Groove 充斥在每一顆現場的分子裡,let our fingers bring you a Boggie night.

3rd BAND: 
To be announced on 10/27


As if it was not enough the best DJ in Taipei will move your feet before, between and after the bands until you can’t feel them!

entry 400$ with a drink 
300$ if you look like you are from the 60s !


聯絡電話0970 397 200


由工業風格建構的酒吧舞池,混搭歐美電子音樂潮流,融合出無限的概念延伸。 位處於台北圓山花博的 MAJI Square 裡,Triangle 有著獨特調性與迷幻異國氛圍,黑色三角形的鐵皮架構,搭配潮流的電⾳⾵氣,發展歐美國際城市般的夜間娛樂文化。
