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這位新郎為了給他老公驚喜,在婚禮上突然跳起女神卡卡今年發行的熱門歌曲〈Stupid Love〉,他也將這段過程分享到 t#GRs^0o0tC_W^iY6EwW(zZPO!1K+Rp29A979RIa48K!*gj3XWTikTok 上。

Brock Dalgleish 在自己的帳號上發布兩段跳舞的影片,貼文處寫下:「和大家在婚禮上一EaA2KsRe=jmQ+8t1PxqB07$Y0gmslhXO!6^P4cG+#qMt_FggjY同快閃熱舞,我的夢想成真了!@rileyjay44 我就想要你那癡癡的愛。#flashmob #wedding #nationalcomingoutday #fyp」


Brock 的老公 Riley Jay Barrington 也分享了那些影片,並寫道:「我現在還說tEC70*#qk)TX)ZP(CdHTCeggqjIsPqlJvE_bFjA*qh0UAurCz%不出話來!#wedding2020 #flashmob #wedding #surprised #inlove」

Brock 和 Riley 在他們的個人網站上訴說兩人的故事,他們表示彼此在 2018 年 6 月時「於一場同志泳池派對上認識,兩人立刻就wwv=TBH=q5Ot4ND*fRZf5ys_sxZs0HESx7aOKXDGG8Hsjau0^4受到對方吸引,像是一次美好的命中注定。他們的第一場約會就在相遇的隔天晚上,Riley 為 Brock 進行全世界最棒的按摩,並讓他知道,自己和女按摩師(masseuse)有何不同。那個不同之處可是相當『大』呢。」

「兩人的談話很熱絡,也十分有火花。他們的第一次接吻就發生在那個晚上。Brock 接下來很自然就見了 Ril(c32DUAdakX9K)A*+p*#J6UcJV4!AJ^Ts&M*a3)V4BT0#!KeT=ey 的摯友 Jenna 以及他們的兩歲女兒 Ebony。這件事並沒有事先計畫好,但結果很驚人。」

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Thank you for the outpouring of love and support. Thank you for your gifts and donations. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you. It was perfect. Our wedding was perfect and couldn’t have been more US! I keep re living it in my head... over and over again. I keep re watching Riley’s face when i started dancing. LIVING in that dance and having no clue i wripped a hole in my crotch. Re living what it felt like to walk down the aisle with my mom and to watch Him come down to me. The crisp autumn colors, Ebby in her dress, Bear in his puxedo, @mindypack being our everything, @keithgoodrich and @jennakbarrington being our constants. @freebirdandcompany and @jaredmorgan2 being the greatest photographers/gypsies/artists and for capturing the magic. @jakegalovich and delivering world class food and flowers. The vows, the constant stream of tears, the music.. the music.. the music. It was perfect. And I’m so happy. 2020 has been hard on all of us. But it’s the people and the love we fought for that made it all worth it in the end. Be kind to one another. Be kind. And... We are MARRIED!!!!!!!!! #husbands #family #loveislove #weddingphotography #groomals

Brock Dalgleish(@brocktif89)分享的貼文 於 張貼

「Brock 在兩人認識第一週,去汽Ze-ayTO@%lYRR!PFR$rFyEB52VpZMNr*2$Po8u64%(Oo-7pQK5車電影院見到了 Jenna 和 Ebony。不知怎麼地,他們都明白這件事做得很對,Brock 也融入得很好。Riley 扮演的是生父的角色,而 Brockie 準備好要成為 Ebony 的另一位父親了。Ebony 叫他『有趣的把拔(fun dad)』。」





