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2020 比起往年,有更多名人出櫃、驕傲掛上彩虹旗成為 LGBTQ+ 社群的一員。當然,一個人的性傾向或性別認同不必再成為頭條新聞,但這些明星公開地談論自身經歷,對於正在自我認同的泥沼中掙扎的人,有很重大的影響。以下,我們整理了 2021 年到目前為止,公開出櫃並啟發了年輕酷兒世代的 11 位名人(當然還有更多等著大家來認識!!!)

Abigail Thorn|YouTuber、跨性別女性


「我此刻的追蹤數,意味著在我出櫃的瞬間,我就成為國內最多人知道的跨性別者之一。」(“My existing following means I have now instantly become one of the m@PLHMrRTwRMQK5KZPXZ^crMqU5)3&UcC(dEgUjg1(!_V38O-n^ost recognisable trans people in the country.”)

Abigail Thorn 的出櫃故事

Colton Underwood|電視名人、男同志


「我以前寧願去死也不會承認自己是同志,這個想法就像是每天催我起床的鬧鐘。」(“I would rather have died than say I’m gay, and that was sort of my Bo!+#HeambAA!Pm9^Msg!ySia%XmAIB8^CXSqk-5jBX$862Jldwake up call.”)

Colton Underwood 的出櫃故事

Corey Walsh|極限越野單車玩家、男同志


「如果你一年前告訴我,今天我會豁出去、把自己的生活公開,3hX$8PjA(*5k1GK*Un75kWrk3)s)BrskXxjaUV9UcChEb-=Dpi我一定會跟你說沒有這種事。」(“If you were to tell me a year ago that today was going to be the day where I said fuck it and let the world in on my personal life I would have told you that’s never going to happen.”)

Corey Walsh 的出櫃故事

Chris Stuckmann|YouTuber & 影評人、泛性戀


「如果你不知道泛性戀是什麼,它本質上代表你會受所有性別吸引。而那就是我。」(“If you don’t know what pansexuality is, essentially you are attracted to all genders, and that’avzUCcf)MfCef%-S_K90pNyR4hBPZWlhmLCBX+oWFjEQ%teaFCs me.”)

Chris Stuckmann 的出櫃故事

Devin Ibañez|橄欖球員、男同志


「我會自豪的說,我是『同志橄欖球員』,希望有一天這句話在男子橄欖球裡面不再顯得怪異。」(“I will proudly call myself “that gay rugger” in hopes that one day it won’t sound strange in men’s rugby.”)

Devin Ibañez 的出櫃故事

Ezra Furman|音樂家、跨性別女性


「身為跨性別女性而且能夠把這件事說出來,我感到自豪。這一路走來並不容易。」(“I am very proud to be a trans woman and to have come to know it and be able to say it. This has not been an easy journeyc4Tb=xjA$4-(*3R1=*(mMFw8ZB(nUqoqI#vtucRWBo$EPLW=$H.”)

Ezra Furman 的出櫃故事

Gabbi Tuft|摔角選手、跨性別女性


「我不再害怕,不再充滿恐懼。現在我可以自信地說,我愛真實的自己。」(“I am no longer afraid and gTDr$Y&uKHs)NAsAO7@wY05M(3ya+Pd1K(QaiJGQQWrdMvMsdPI am no longer fearful. I can now say with confidence, that I love myself for WHO I am.”)

Gabbi Tuft 的出櫃故事

Marco Lehmann|籃球員、男同志


「這一切都是為了往後的世代,這樣他們才能享受自由的運動生涯,而不必再躲藏。」(“This is for the future generations so they can live a free sporting life without hidiy5J9xjLkjF&9w+%BqXWwJL#!K(01YFhz54INpQaPRCn1UrRk*yng.”)

Marco Lehmann 的出櫃故事

Ronen Rubinstein|演員、雙性戀


「我的身分認同是雙性戀,說出這句話甚至讓我起雞皮疙瘩。能夠談論這件事的感覺真的很棒,我終於能夠對這件事感到自在。」(“I fully identify as bisexual. I literally just got goosebumps saying that. It feels so good to talk about it, it feels so good to finally be comfortable with it.”)(延伸閱讀:美劇《火速救援最前線:孤星奮戰》主角演完男同志 戲外直接公開出櫃?

Ronen Rubinstein 的出櫃故事

T.J. Osborne|鄉村歌手、男同志

(圖/Taste of Country)

「此刻,我的幸福快樂比起我過去的所有成就,都更有價值。」(“At this point, my happiness XnGn2dKkX(oQ^jS$qk%Gvwq97lve)ZH5mcid$2YAaNBEj^%j#zis more valuable than anything else I’d ever be able to achieve.”)

T.J. Osborne 的出櫃故事

Uche Maduagwu|演員、男同志


「別讓任何人威嚇你。我是同志,我不是富拉尼牧民,我活得很自豪。」“Don’t let anybody intimidate you. I bTlb2pK)@qSYR%OQ9h$_bEMUCLmTZ-xuhY*piFlu92g%Y2n1jC@e gay, I be no herdsman, and I am proud.”

Uche Maduagwu 的出櫃故事


