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If you like being on the phone just like right now, you might also like to check out hot guys on Instagram. Thanks to the rise of social media, all the hot guys from the around the world you fantasize about are only one swipe away. But if you especially fancy Asian guys, you are in the right place. 

Comparing to other popular profiles, the presence of hot Asian guys is relatively low. This Instagram account @wolfeguys is all about hot wolfy-looking Asian guys and we are jumping on to share these exclusive sexy hotties. Give a heads up to the people around you, cause these sexy bodies are going to be popping out of your screen.

1. @s.key_

First comes the appetizer, this is an oppa from Korea. The sexy slanted eyes is where the charm is. His professional look with the glasses is making us drool.


This is the best proof for “great friends look alike”, a handsome guy’s friend is, of course, hot as hell.  

2. @julio_wei

From China, not only does he dance, but also choreographs.

Traveling to Mykonos, this is the perfect Greek prince charming!

Um, yaaass.. that peachy butt…

3. @johnspainhour

A handsome Filipino, do you want to leave everything to travel with him? 

Pull it lower, please… 

This is the difference between regular people and this hot ass man: making a daily picture into a magazine cover. 

4. @immense_ray

This handsome man is also from China, Yan Woo. Whether it is a look or a smile, the charm is at its all-time high.

Okay, we all are thinking the same: that goddamn towel! 

No doubt: cute sweet style is also our cup of tea. 

5. @franco_kk

Waking you up from this lazy afternoon selfie 

More awake from this buff body 

With this charming sweet smile… I can’t even…

Source: Gay Star News

Author: Matt

The story begins with Shiro Kido's reunion with a former classmate, Rio Kijima, at a college teacher's funeral.

With the intense eroticism and closeness, both men open up and feed into their desire. As their lust grows so does their toxic craving. The two become a relationship beyond the line while a mixture of emotions are drawn from the suffering Kijima.

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