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Drag Kiki Ball - PRIDE Edition @ Resurrected

The time has come to celebrate and express your PRIDE...unapologetically! Join our 'Drag Kiki Ball' at the 'Resurrected Full Moon Fever -YFj#V2EGg_^%fMt_F3RIqSori7xPSVyKyx4=+Vdqp@NVnhj1Dd Music Festival'

We're collaborating with *the best* and biggest (outdoor) Halloween Music Festival. THREE STAGES and TONS OF GOOD VIBES! We're pumped and super excited to include our 'Drag Kiki Ball' to showcase the beauty and creativity of our LGBTQA+ community! A party within a party.....ON TIGER MOUNTAIN!


台北 W 飯店「Masquerade of Evil 面懼」Halloween Party 萬聖趴

黑夜降臨,在文藝復興時代埋藏已久的闇黑詛咒,即將被喚醒! 2020 「面懼」萬聖節派對將於10/31晚上9點登場,跟我們一起,揭_n-njmvp)nlL)k_U-wgCKvWJDY92PXLjtqu6mtW@=sjs%b(EGA開令人聞風喪膽的黑暗真相。

Time to unveil the mist of 16th Century nightmare at WOOBAR!
Get your Halloween costume ready and join us for a spooktacular night on 10/31 at 9PM.

線上搶票 / Purchase Now:


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